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Developing an integrated skills textbook based on the CEFR; facilitating autonomous learning and teaching

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 The first CEFR-informed textbook as a result of the FLP SIG kaken project is available!

 Title: Connections to Thinking in English: The CEFR-informed EAP

Textbook Series B1(A2+) to B1+

 One purpose of this textbook is to encourage

learners to see how can do statements can be used in self-assessment, goal-setting and reflection of level appropriate and suitably scaffolded learning goals in a series of skill-integrated learning tasks.

 If you would like an inspection copy please contact Asahi press.


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Information based on the proposal in 2012: Find info here

You can find below an introduction to the FLP SIG Kaken Project, which will run from April 2012 to March 2015. The project will research and develop CEFR-informed materials and textbooks. We would like to involve FLP SIG members, and others, in this project. The ways you can get involved include (1) contributing CEFR-informed practices from your classrooms, (2) piloting textbook materials in your classroom with the option of contributing feedback and input into the improvement and/or creation of the textbook materials, (3) participating in workshops, and (4) contributing to a teacher needs survey.

The first step in your participating is by contacting us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or by attending the attending the FLP SIG forum at JALT 2012 (see the “Events page” of FLP SIG website). You can find an overview of the research and research plan below. PDF with all information here



参加をご希望の方は、まずThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.にご連絡ください。またはJALT2012のFLP SIGフォーラム(FLP SIGウェブサイトの「イベントページ」を参照)に参加してください。PDF with all information here





Summary of the research project

The purpose of this research is to develop an English language integrated skills textbooks that suitably adapt and apply the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe, 2001) for the higher education context in Japan. Furthermore, in order to support learner and teacher autonomy and to support the classroom implementation of the text, we will aim to develop supplemental learning materials such as a language portfolio, and autonomy informed resources.

In the initial year of the project, in order to assess the need and availability of CEFR-informed resources, we will conduct basic research that analyses texts in relations to the correlations to the CEFR, a survey of teacher needs, and gather examples of actual classroom practices in Japan. In the following year, we will develop the textbook materials, with a piloting of the text to determine effectiveness and to assess the need for revisions in the final year.


科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) (研究課題番号:24520611)

This work is supported by a kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (24520611) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.


Research team


研究代表者 東京外国語大学世界言語社会教育センター 専任講師 長沼君主


茨城大学人文学部 教授 永井典子

大阪大学外国語学部 専任講師 ファーガス・オドワイヤー (Fergus O’Dwyer)

中京大学国際教養学部 准教授 アレクサンダー・イミック (Alexander Imig)



Principal investigator: Naoyuki Naganuma (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies).


Noriko Nagai, (Ibaraki University)

Fergus O’Dwyer, (Osaka University).

Alexander Imig, (Chukyo University)

We will also like to incorporate contributions from members of the FLP SIG of JALT, with the option of incorporating perspectives from other SIGS also.


研究背景・目的と研究計画をご確認ください。Please see the tabs here for information about Background and purpose of the research project, and the Research plan. 


Subpages (2): 研究背景・目的Background and purpose of the research project 研究計画Research plan


(Update October 12th, 2024 MGS)

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.