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The new JALT Homepage for CEFR & LP SIG (since March 2021):


The Agenda of the CEFR and Language Portfolio SIG

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (COE, 2001), the CEFR Companion Volume (CEFR/CV; COE 2020) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP) can be used in curriculum planning, assessment and other related language-teaching matters ranging from elementary school to university level to life long learning. The JALT CEFR & Language Portfolio SIG (CEFR & LP SIG, former Framework & Language Portfolio SIG (FLP SIG)) is a interest group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT,

CEFR & LP SIG wants to discuss these CEFR related tools and their relevance for language education in Japan while carrying out projects and communicating the results. There is an emphasis on developing materials to support educators who would like to use these pedagogic tools. Our membership includes educators of several languages.

ヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠(CEFR)とヨーロッパ言語ポートフォリオ(ELP)は、小学校から大学まで幅広く、カリキュラム設計、評価、また、他の言語教育に関連した様々な問題に用いることができる。CEFR & LP SIG(CEFRと言語ポートフォリオ研究部会;2017年まで元フレームワークと言語ポートフォリオ研究部会(FLP SIG))は、こうした道具が日本の言語教育において、プロジェクトを実施し、その結果を共有していく上で、妥当であるかを議論するために、全国語学教育学会(JALT)において設立された(。

CEFR&LP SIGは、これらの教育上の道具を利用したいと望む教育者を支援するための資料を開発することに力点を置いており、複数の言語における教育者から構成されている。


 Main activities

 CEFR & LP SIGの活動  Annual activities are

JALT CEFR & LP SIG / JALT FLP SIGは2008年11月設立以来 (JALT FLP SIG 2009年-2017年11月, JALT CEFR&LP 2017年11月から)

●1日または2日に渡るセミナーが開かれ、CEFRとELPの教室における使用について、自己評価、目標設定、内省などのトピックが取り上げられた。また、イギリスからトニー・グリーン氏を招いて、English Profile プロジェクト(現在ではプログラムと呼ばれている)についての講演会を開催した。

- Seminars held over one and two days with topics such as use of the CEFR, CEFR/CV and the ELP in classrooms with sub-topics such as self-assessment/assessment, goal-setting and reflection. Other seminars have included with invited speakers from England (Tony Green on the topic of the English Profile programme)


Forums and presentations at conferences at the JALT National conference ( We have also hosted presentations and workshops at other national and international conferences.

CEFR & LP SIG is taking regulary part in JALT's main conferences with SIG Forums and presentations of members:

JALT PanSIG conferences, yearly held mainly in May (see PanSIG HP) . The first PanSIG conference was held in 2002 in Kyoto, FLP SIG (CEFR & LP SIG) participated the first time in 2010 (see PanSIG archive).

JALT International conferences, yearly held mainly in November (see JALT conferences). The first JALT international conference FLP SIG (CEFR & LP SIG) participated in was in 2008 (see JALT conferences (archive since 2010)). And since then every year with a SIG Forum and SIG related presentations.

A report on those Forums and some of the presentations can be found in the SIGs newsletters (Link to SIG Newsletters).

●日本の大学で用いるための2言語表記の言語ポートフォリオを、大学の言語教育者向けのELPであるCercles ELPをもとに編纂し、公開した。

- Our members have compiled the bilingual Language Portfolio for Japanese University (publicly available, based on the Cercles ELP: an ELP for language education in universities)




- Several publications see, starting with the first in November 2010: Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond - Applications of the CEFR -. 23 Research papers, presentations are included in this book: One aim of this publication is to give specific ideas and resources for educators to bring into classrooms. As a result many of the papers in this volume take on an action research focus. Several other papers seek to explain the development and issues regarding use of the CEFR, the ELP and can do statements.

See more details on the SIG and book publications (click here).


JALT CEFR and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group (CEFR & LP SIG, former FLP SIG)

In recent years there is a vivid discussion in Japan about language learning curriculums and frameworks, especially the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR, 2001), the CEFR Companion Volume (CEFR/CV, 2020) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP). Since forming the Framework and Language Portfolio Special Interest Group (FLP SIG) in JALT in November 2008, becoming a full voting SIG and changing the name to CEFR & LP SIG in those present sought had gathered interested individuals to garner ideas, discuss developments, and coordinate efforts.

General CEFR & LP SIG contact us via our contact form.

  • SIG President: Maria Gabriela Schmidt   (At the EBM on February 18th, 2024 the title for the SIG leader was changed to "president").
  • SIG Vice President: Takanori Omura
  • Treasurer: Alexander Imig
  • Membership Chair: Noriko Nagai
  • Program Chair: Gregory C. Birch
  • Publications : Jack V. Bower
  • Publicity: Engel Villareal
  • Research Liaison: Naoyuki Naganuma
  • Publications support team:
  • Officer at Large
  • for a more detailed list of officers see the JALT SIGs officer site (click here) and the SIGs site on the homepage (click here)

There are many opportunities to help out in the SIG by becoming an officer in large/shadow officer for an officer/area that interests you. As always if there are any events/ideas you would to carry out with the help of the SIG please let us know.

Becoming a member of the SIG join JALT (click here for getting info on joining JALT). Since September 2012 the yearly JALT membership fee includes one Chapter of your choice and one SIG of your choice. You can choose more SIGs for an additional annual fee of 2000 Yen. On the advantages becoming a member of JALT see: click here to learn more about JALT

Each single member counts for JALT and for each chapter and each SIG as well. With your membership you support the efforts of JALT to foster excellece in professional development and provide a platform for highlevel exchange on practice and research. Please support JALT and CEFR & LP SIG.

To Join JALT

JALT Conference @Twitter: 

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JALT LinkedIn:

JALT YouTube:


結果 Outcome - publications - visibility of CEFR & LP SIG

Book publications see Book publications

Textbooks see Book publications

Edited volumes see Book publications

SIG Newsletter see Newsletter

CEFR Journal - Research and Practice (since May 2019) see CEFR Journal

Conferences, workshops see Events

Research see Research - Collaborative projects see Kaken 5

Teacher Training see Toolkit (in the making)




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研究  Research activities

Research projects: The development of a coherent language teaching system: integration of learning outcomes, teaching materials and assessment methods. Participation in these projects is possible for educators from several languages that are taught in Japan. Please contact the SIG. The proposals namely inculde JALT CEFR & LP SIG (former FLP SIG). 

JSPS Grant-in-Aid research projects (in short KAKEN) granted

Kaken 1: ●科研 2012-2015, 結果: EAP textbook

KAKEN I from 2012 to 2015: Outcome: CEFR-informed EAP Textbook (published in 2015), project leader Naoyuki Naganuma.

Kaken 2: ●科研 2014-2016, 結果: EPS6

KAKEN II from 2014 to 2016: Outcome: EPS 6 (published in September 2017), project leader Fergus O'Dwyer.

Kaken 3: ●科研 2016-2019, 結果: Toolkit

KAKEN III from 2016 to 2019: Outcome: Design a toolkit for teachers (see on the HP "TOOLKIT" and to be published in 2020), project leader Maria Gabriela Schmidt.

Kaken 4: ●科研 2019-2022, 結果: Composition

KAKEN IV from 2019 to 2022: Outcome Composition, project leader Alexander Imig.

Kaken 5: ●科研 2020-2023, extended, 結果:Action Research

Kaken V extended to 2024: Outcome edited volume, project leader Maria Gabriela Schmidt.

Kaken 6: ●科研 2021-2024, 結果:CEFR-informed Placement test

Kaken 7: ●科研 2021-2024, 結果:CLIL


今後の活動計画 Future planned activities:

We will continue to hold seminars, forums and participate in conferences. Design tool for teacher training.




 Get involved!

We provide you with reliable up to date trends related to the CEFR and the CEFR/CV and research and help to implement and us the tools successfully!


(Updated: February 20th MGS)

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.