Publications related to research conducted by members of JALT CEFR & LP SIG (FLP SIG) are the following books:
(1) Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond - Applications of the CEFR - /
日本と諸外国の言語教育におけるCan-Do評価ーヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠【CEFR)の適用ー /
Kannbeschreibungen im Sprachunterricht in Japan - Der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen (GeR) in der Praxis -.
Edited by Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O'Dwyer, Alexander Imig und Kazumi Sakai.
Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2010. ISBN 978-4-255-00558-4. Sold out, since 2015 E-Version is available.
(2) Connections to Thinking in English. The CEFR-informed EAP Textbook Series. B1(A2+) to B1+.
Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O'Dwyer. Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-4-255-15561-6.
(3) Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond.
Edited by Fergus O'Dwyer, Morten Hunke, Alexander Imig, Noriko Nagai, Naoyuki Naganuma, Maria Gabriela Schmidt.
Cambridge (Great Britain): Cambridge University Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-316-63823-1.
(4) We are happy to announce the publication of our 4th book as a result of our kaken research:
CEFR-informed Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Practical Guide.
Noriko Nagai, Gregory C. Birch, Jack Bower, Maria Gabriela Schmidt.
Singapore: Springer, 2020. (Springer texts in Education). ISBN 9789811558931.
To introduce the book to your colleagues and friends, please refer the book product page:
The eBook is available here:
See more details of the book a the special book site: A Practicle Guide
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(Update: August 25th, 2020 MGS)